Blog Stage Two

What's Really More Important?

The President of the United States, Donald Trump has put more attention on political oppositions than what he should really be focusing on. Recently NFL football players have began kneeling during the national anthem on national television. On September 25th, 2017, the Washington Post posted an article titled Trump declares Puerto Rico is in 'deep trouble' as questions mount about his commitment expressing the concern the author, John Wagner has towards Trumps' genuineness. Lately, Puerto Rico is in ruins from two back-to-back hurricanes tearing their small island into oblivion. Puerto Rico's electrical system is 100% out. This all occurring while our president has Tweeted more statements on the NFL's protests than about millions of American citizens crying for help. 
Although I consider the reasoning of many professional athletes protests concerning as well. I find citizens at risk of life or death more immediate. This article shows a less bias view than my personal opinion is. It shows both sides of the argument that Wagner is creating. I believe Trump feels threatened by the silent protests of internationally known professional athletes. He is aware that people around the world watch the NFL, and know that people mimic what they see, and seeing these influential players protest may spark concern, or interest in not only the citizens of the US, but around the globe. What would Trump do if people in other countries became aware of our disunited nation? Unity is difficult, and in the current time, seems impossible. On the other side of the argument, just LOOK at how quickly Trump responded to hurricane Irma when it hit Houston. I personally know soldiers who left to aid Houston for thirty days on a mini "deployment". Just weeks after the hurricane hit. Over three-hundred troops were sent to Houston quickly in-order to help. Trump has made at least one statement about Puerto Rico, but is he really concerned, or is it just him attempting to please the nation's concern for Puerto Rico? Let's see how long it takes for our military to respond from today..


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