
Blog Stage Eight: Comment on a Colleague's Work #2

I agree that Trump could, in fact be a large reason former Republicans consider themselves independent. In my personal opinion he is a JOKE. When I first saw different promotions for, " Trump for President " I genuinely didn't take it seriously. Soon after I realized the reality that Donald Trump, a man who was on a reality television show was the president of the United States I was deeply disappointed in my nation.

Blog Stage Seven: The Next Mega Industry in the U.S.

More frequently, the idea of marijuana impacting the United States in a positive manner isn't accepted. Whether it's American citizen's attitudes about recreational, or medical use of marijuana, you rarely hear anything positive associated with the subject. However you feel about the use of marijuana, there's no denying the positive effects that the industry has on job creation in our nation. According to an article by business insider, " A new report from New Frontier Data, a business intelligence firm focused on cannabis, projects legal weed market will create more than a quarter of a million jobs by 2020."  Legal marijuana businesses employed an estimated 100,000 to 150,000 workers in January 2017. California and Colorado, one of the first two states to legalize marijuana have created over 15,000 jobs alone, each. The marijuana industry is expected to bring in $24.5 billion in 2025, based only on the states that have legalized marijuana by 2017. The cu...

Blog Stage Six: Comment on a colleagues work #1

Ryan,  What are the current sanctions, and pressures is North Korea facing? When and where exactly did this nuclear testing take place? Although the article may be entertaining, it's a useless information mess just trying to make news of stupid games our president and other countries are playing.  For our president to come out and speak of another countries leader as a joke, or "rocket man" is not diplomatic or civil in any way. Yet, in the article it states that "Royce" says that our countries organizations are taking steps toward applying maximum diplomatic pressure on Kim Jong-un. His credibility goes out the window, to say the least. Then this website, doesn't seem to be credible whatsoever. There is no proof that Kim Jong-Un is responsible for his brothers death in the United States, and as far as I'm aware, we will never know whether he was, or wasn't involved.

Blog Stage Five: Legalization of...

Legalization of... For years the controversy over the legalization of marijuana has been a largely debated topic that's been left on the back burner by the federal government. State governments have began taking the initiative in their laws regarding marijuana. Many states have opted for only legalizing medical marijuana, and some have even gone as far as making marijuana recreationally legal, so why is the federal government not addressing the controversial topic?  Because of the ethical controversy surrounding marijuana studies, we honestly don't know much about the drug itself. However, we've gained a little insight as to what our nation would look like, and what the marijuana industry could do for our economy by seeing what happened in Colorado when the state decided to take a leap of faith in legalization. In 2015 Colorado collected more than $135 million in taxes and fees on medical and recreational marijuana. Sales in North America grew 30%, to $6.7 million,...

Blog Stage Four: What Really Happened in Niger?

What Really Happened in Niger? Jordan Aravosis' commentary on President Trump's handling of the incident in Niger involving the death of four Special Forces United States soldiers is clearly bringing to light the issues at hand. Although the "accident" has left American citizens wondering what could've gone wrong, if anything to cause these deaths. Just earlier this year rumors circulated about Trump making a rash decision involving the death of a Navy Seal, and now we have another mission gone south. I agree that questions need to be asked, and answers need to be given on whether a mistake was made, but I also know some things don't always go as planned.  Many people have been criticizing President Donald Trump over his remarks to a fallen soldiers pregnant widow saying, "he knew what he signed up for." I one-hundred percent couldn't agree more with what Trump said, but I do see the issue of insensitivity at the moment. In this commenta...

Blog Stage Three: America's Forever Wars

"America's Forever Wars"  In the article "America's Forever Wars" by the New York Times the writer seems to have an unclear argument on the United States foreign interventions, and our use of government spending towards the defense budget. Both sides of the argument seem to be presently brought up, but I find it a bit difficult to understand his side of the controversy. Frequently brought up is the small percentage of people who really suffer from soldiers dying, and being deployed in our "forever wars". I found this article interesting in that way because my father was in the military for twenty years, and my partner is currently active duty Army. I have come to understand our countries obligations to protect others suffering around the world, rather than just in the United States alone. However, I still feel the pain of not knowing whether my dad would return home, or whether I will at any given time get a call telling me my husband has passe...

Blog Stage Two

What's Really More Important? The President of the United States, Donald Trump has put more attention on political oppositions than what he should really be focusing on. Recently NFL football players have began kneeling during the national anthem on national television. On September 25th, 2017, the Washington Post posted an article titled Trump declares Puerto Rico is in 'deep trouble' as questions mount about his commitment expressing the concern the author, John Wagner has towards Trumps' genuineness. Lately, Puerto Rico is in ruins from two back-to-back hurricanes tearing their small island into oblivion. Puerto Rico's electrical system is 100% out. This all occurring while our president has Tweeted more statements on the NFL's protests than about millions of American citizens crying for help.  Although I consider the reasoning of many professional athletes protests concerning as well. I find citizens at risk of life or death more immediate. This artic...