
Showing posts from December, 2017

Blog Stage Eight: Comment on a Colleague's Work #2

I agree that Trump could, in fact be a large reason former Republicans consider themselves independent. In my personal opinion he is a JOKE. When I first saw different promotions for, " Trump for President " I genuinely didn't take it seriously. Soon after I realized the reality that Donald Trump, a man who was on a reality television show was the president of the United States I was deeply disappointed in my nation.

Blog Stage Seven: The Next Mega Industry in the U.S.

More frequently, the idea of marijuana impacting the United States in a positive manner isn't accepted. Whether it's American citizen's attitudes about recreational, or medical use of marijuana, you rarely hear anything positive associated with the subject. However you feel about the use of marijuana, there's no denying the positive effects that the industry has on job creation in our nation. According to an article by business insider, " A new report from New Frontier Data, a business intelligence firm focused on cannabis, projects legal weed market will create more than a quarter of a million jobs by 2020."  Legal marijuana businesses employed an estimated 100,000 to 150,000 workers in January 2017. California and Colorado, one of the first two states to legalize marijuana have created over 15,000 jobs alone, each. The marijuana industry is expected to bring in $24.5 billion in 2025, based only on the states that have legalized marijuana by 2017. The cu...